Radha Manohari , an Inner Engineering participant, shares her experience: Inner Engineering has benefited me in many ways! I participated in Sadhguru’s program last June 2012 and learned the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. Wow! After a week of experience and practicing Shambhavi , I noticed a silence inside. Nothing disturbed me. I had no reaction to anything, in that external disturbances didn’t affect me. It’s smoothed out even my breath! It’s very beneficial to me. Surprisingly it’s stopped my mind’s chatter! Now I enjoy the calmness and quietness. It eventually quieted down my thoughts so much that they seem like a low static in the background. I feel so protected, and there is an inner peace that I enjoy even if I’m in a crowd. It took away some kind of ”insecure” feeling in me! It bundled every thought, emotion, and desire into a deep wish to grow spiritually. Before Shambhavi , I had severe back-aches. I couldn’t sit on hard surfaces for more than 5 minutes-...
Bronson Gregory, a senior at University of Michigan studying Neuroscience and Music, shares his experience of Inner Engineering: Before being introduced to Isha , my experience with yoga, spirituality, and eastern teachings was more a flirtation than a dedication. A stressful week would push me to meditate the stress away or try a local yoga class or two. I had read Gita, Veda, and Sutra. These teachings swam around my head, only to float the surface when I was talking philosophy or asking myself heavy questions that would tie my mind up and usually end with more questions. The result of all the yoga and contemplation was at best a mellow mood and more often confusion over how spirituality or yoga was supposed to work. By my junior year in college I had dropped all spirituality in favor of music and science as a way to pursue life. Classes and projects went well, but I would walk around town unsettled. The right degree, career, and social life didn’t feel like they would gi...